Thursday, January 1, 2009

tagged by Lance

Whoever who gets tagged must write 10 things about the person who tagged him/her:
Lance Goh Tze Hou

  1. he's the cute and chubby one!
  2. he was once the member of the group i dislike. :P
  3. he's the one who wears specs.
  4. he has weird but unique poses. xD
  5. he has problems.
  6. i just met him last year!
  7. he has a nice house.
  8. he loves going out with us, don't you lance? :P
  9. he has 2 chihuahuas. idk how to spell. sorries.
  10. he's in my class! and he sits in front of me. :D
the person who got tagged must write 10 things about himself/herself:

  1. i just watched Wild Child and i loved it.
  2. i just watched Angus, thongs and perfect snogging and i loved that too.
  3. i adore Versace's new 2009 fashion line.
  4. i love love love Alex Pettyfer. :) google him!
  5. i love my sister. :P
  6. i can't live without music.
  7. i like meeting new people.
  8. i can't wait for good things to happen.
  9. i hate the 60's style.
  10. ahha. i love retrochic style. :)
At the end you must choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names:

  1. Alex Pettyfer. :P hahaha!
  2. Lance! do it again!
  3. anyone
  4. anyone
  5. anyone
  6. anyone
  7. anyone
  8. anyone
  9. anyone
  10. you can fill in your names here if you want to do the tag.